Nina Libin's Pearl Chain with Pearls Bracelet
Teacher - Bonnie Swank
Level 3 Shuttle and Needle

Materials Needed:
For the bracelet you will need 6 yards of three-ply metallic embroidery thread, 350 seed beads size 11, 22-24 - 4mm pearls, three tatting shuttles (marked #1, #2, and #3) or 1 tatting needle #8, beading needle, two crimp beads, and bracelet clasp.
For shuttles: Shuttle #1 load 2 yards of thread first then load 125 seed beads; Shuttle #2 load 2 yards of thread first then load (2 seed beads, 1 - 4mm pearl) x 24, then 2 seed beads; Shuttle #3 load 2 yards of thread first then load 125 seed beads.
For needle: Load 150 seed beads on ball, thread the needle, then load another 150 seed beads on ball and add stopper bead. Leave 50 seed beads and 24 - 4mm pearls loose in tray. Pull 3 yards of thread from ball, fold back 1/2-yard, put needle only in this loop (no beads) and tie a knot. This 1-yard loop is the core thread.
Kit: Available and recommended.