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Helix Shrimp - Part 1

Teacher - D. Richard Embrey
Level 3 Shuttle

Materials: Lizbeth Thread size 10 in up to 5 colors; 2 Seed Beads 4mm for eyes; 17 Delica seed beads size 11; Shuttles: 5;

Preparation: Load 5 shuttles (2 yards per shuttle); Arrange, label, and use in the following order:
Sh1 = 3 Delica beads loaded on #177 thread;
Sh2 = 4mm bead loaded onto shuttle first then 3 Delica beads on #677 thread;
Sh3 = 4mm bead loaded onto shuttle first then 4 Delica beads on #638 thread;
Sh4 = 3 Delica beads loaded on #629 thread;
Sh5 = 4 Delica beads loaded on #177 thread.

Begin each round with Sh1 = BT & Sh2 = CT; ss at each "/".

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